It is my favorite time of day. When the little rug rats go to sleep. Four sleeping beauties and 3 Prince's being ever so quiet for fear of having to lay down as well. Yes folks I am "THAT" crazy.
No no let me reassure you. These are NOT my children. I am not the mother of the next Gossling bunch. Not even close. I birthed half of thier broad yes. I am DONE. These little angels (when sleeping) are my daycare children. Yes people were/are crazy enough to pay ME to watch and mold thier youngins. She's one of them. So if you want to know why then ask her. LOL
Now back to the topic at hand. See I do this alone. ALL ALONE!! Hence my internet obsession. At least I admit it. It's fine though. I can handle it (dramatic pause) most days. Nothing makes the day go by faster then painting, reading and singing. Not to mention throwing, hitting and crying. Opps - not so rosey is it. LOL No no my group is wonderful. For all their wonderfulness (is that a word) though I still look forward to nap time.
Why? Isn't it OBVIOUS! I look forward to the time to read my fav blogs. Read a book for ME. Also it is my time to chat with friends. See this career (After 8 yrs I'd call it a career) comes with no smoke breaks. No sick days. Very few vacations. Although I do get a four day weekend this week. THANK YOU Independence Day!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh - the silence. Yes today, today has been a good day.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
8 hours ago
Congratulations on your silence. But I fear it is short-lived. Though I pray it is not.
By the way - I read your last post about being boring. I am not even gonna comment on that. Becuase YOU are YOU. And that's a darn good blog to me!
Thanks for checking in on me today. I enjoyed hearing from you.
Melissa at Strethc Marks
Silence is golden. I wish my kids would nap. Oh, how I could use it.
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