So my Princess is four. For those that don't know it I have a HomeDaycare. Yes I am one of "those' people. You know you wish you were like me. Anyways I digress.
Princess is starting preschool next month. Why can't YOU just teach her you ask. Well I am and have been. See Pincess has this issue. She is so attached to me that I am a nervous wreck about how she'd handle K. So this year is a test run. Her confindence has been building so we're taking the plung. *drum roll please* She is going to the ABC Acedemy. Which is run by another AWESOME Family Provider. Only she caters her program to PrK only (I wanna BE her). Princess will learn so much. She already loves it too. We stopped by last Sunday to pick up the paperwork and chat with *A* about what the Princess would learn. She didn't want to leave. *YES!*
So while there Ms A has a wonderful system where the children are assigned a color. This color will be on all of their items to be used in PrK all year long. That way there is no second guessing as to who's is who's. Ms A had already hinted to me that another child was eyeing the pink color. So to avoid having Princess start off on the wrong foot and snatching something away from a potential BFF we guided her in choosing a non selected color. There were 3, red, purple and orange. I thought for SURE purple was a shoe in. fo reals man. The Princess stood there thinking about it for awhile (looking at all the colored bins). We hint that Ms A's fav color is purple. Mommy's fav color is purple. The Princess looks at us, looks at the bins......"Orange!" she says.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I want orange."
Alrighty then. So my pink loving baby picked orange. My little gender specific rebal. It's going to be an interesting year in PrK. I will be sad. Come back on August 18th to check on me okay. I'll be a wreck.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
8 hours ago
You'll be fine. And I love that she chose orange. It's my second favorite color. Pink being my first!
She'll be fine and so will you. Emma's going 3 days a week next year - half days. I'm looking forward to it! :)
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