Hey all I thought I'd try out a new blog layout. Whatcha think? It's from LeeLou. Isn't she great. She has made a ton of free layouts. You can even order a custom header to go with the layout. In fact TODAY ONLY she is GIVING AWAY a custom header. Just go to the Tip Junkie to sign up. Hurry it ends at 8am tomorrow.
Here are few of my favs of her layouts.
(I'd link them but I don't want to infringe on copyrights. Just trust me go to her blog and check them out...okay)
Poppyseed Swril Flip
Family Circle
I love them all and had a hard time choosing those. LOL.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
8 hours ago
I love looking at other people's templates. I've thought about getting one for myself, but honestly, I really like the minimalism of mine. I went through and spent an hour getting all of the colors right. It just seems very "me". I'll just keep enjoying all of the blogs I read!
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