Monday, June 23, 2008

Take me out to the ballgame...

So the boys had thier first baseball game on Saturday. I couldn't go cause Princess had gymnastics. This Saturday thier game is early again but this time I will go and Chef will take the Princess. I will also get better pictures. I promise. LOL

Now let me explain that these poor boys have only had 1 practice. LittleMan was not thrilled with that fact and was a little peeved that the game was "More important" (his words) So Sara came over for some one on one practice. I took pictures as proof that she threw balls AT the boys. LOL It was funny actually so I'll share those too.

Now for their game. I spared you alot of the pics since Chef didn't feel the need to get up and move so he could get some good shots. Anyways he isn't me so I hope to have better ones for you later.

LittleMan at bat.

Monkey at bat.

Little Man on 1st. (He is number 5)

Monkey running to 1st (He is number 3)

They are 5 and 3 cause we're a family of 5 and there are 3 kids LOL get it. Yeah Yeah I know.


Elisa said...

Very cute! You are one busy, momma, aren't you?

Sara @ Life With the Two said...

I look horrid in those pictures. Too bad you didn't get one of me hitting Little Man in the head with the ball. That was fun. (insert evil laugh)

Party of 5 said...

LOL yeah I missed that one.

Staci Loalbo said...

toooo cute!!!

StacyRenee said...

looks like alot of fun

Heather said...

Oh, I get it!! That's too cute.

Trooper Thorn said...

Little Man stands in at the plate like Steve Garvey. Did he get on with a hit or walk?

It's good to have two more base runners in the world.