"Okay everyone you better behave today. Thank goodness you have school. Hey get over here. Are you listening? Stop picking on your sister. No acting up while we have guests. No I don't know if they will still be here when you get home. Just plan on being good. Where's my straightening iron??? Oh there it is. Okay hurry everyone. They are on thier way! Remember what I said. Do I look okay?"
"Hey SITSta's! Welcome to my little corner of bloggy land. I hope you find everything to your liking. I'm headed out to go camping with the family tomorrow (That's good blog fodder) So if I don't get over to your place to say Thank You just remember I will as soon as possible. I hope you all enjoy your visit and your long weekend! Be safe and have fun. *MUAH* Help yourself to anything you find....just no long distance calls please."
I lead a boring life. Just wake up, work, sleep, repeat..LOL. Nothing really crazy happens here. Not like you read on other blogs.
Until now...
So Little Man got a fish tank for his b-day in April. Up til now he has only had a beta in it. Well it passed today. No biggie - Little Man wants to know if they can go get the little fish for the tank.
I should of never sent him with his dad. My first mistake.
They come home. Little Man is so proud of his purchase. Five little fish and a CRAB. Yep a crab (what did you think I was going to have THOSE crabs???).
So tonight I am just going to bed like I do every night. Check on the kids. LittleMan's light is on in the tank so I figure I'd go look since I hand't seen the new fish yet. I see something on top near the hole in the lid. I start thinking what did he put up there. I'll have to tell him not to put toys up there. WAIT what was that? It moved. Toys don't move (except on ToyStory - where's Buzz when I need him??) OMG *gasp* it's the crab!
So I'm move to the stairs to call Chef. "Come UP here NOW." -I say He's says what? (He's mad cause I pulled him away from his show). I screech quietly "In there (pointing to LittleMan's room). The CRAB is OUT."
So we creep back in there to find Little Man sitting up in bed pointing at the tank (here I thought I had been SO quiet!). They both look at the tank and then at me. They BOTH start laughing. BRATS!
I immediatley tell them that the crab HAS to go. It's out of here. Chef is like no I'll just tape the hole up. "There's TWO holes!" I say. Yes I'll tape them both he replied. NOPE! It's gone. OUT OF HERE!. Little Man says that it's okay he'll just go get a little frog instead. (have I mentioned he's my fav child? No I haven't? Okay good cause that would make me a BAD mommy). Chef says no we will keep the crab. Yeah we'll see who wins.
Now I can't sleep.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
5 hours ago
I am so not coming over till Crabby McCrabberson is gone! Totally creeped out! (I would have been by today, except our dear friend gives bad directions!)
Well I am sad/happy to say that Mr McCrabberson passed away in the evening. We figure he was depressed about not being able to get out anymore. Darn.
Ben wants a scorpion. Seriously, a scorpion.
Oh, HECK no.
Mr. McCrabberson passed away. Whatever! We moms are very clever about getting rid of things we don't want around the house. ;) wink, wink. I won't tell if you don't :)
tell him if it escapes again, you'll be serving up Spongebob's Favorite meal for Dinner...Crabby Patties!!!!!!!
nice blog. Congrats on being the FB on SITS!!!
My daughter begged and begged for a hamster. We got one. The thing escaped about a hundred times, until finally he "escaped" right into the arms of our cat.
Two years later, she's still begging for another hamster. Ummm, no way.
So I feel your pain. As if three kids and a husband isn't enough, you have to throw animals in there, too? So unfair.
No seriously notsosahm....he DID pass away and by no fault of mine. Believe me he would of found a new home come the morning but I had nothing to do with his death. I SWEAR! :-)
I'd have to say that it's either the crab or me. I cannot live with a crab. ((shudder))
Oh, but I love crabs. Especially when their legs are steamed and dipped in melted butter.
But NOT in my home...not living and breathing. Uh-uh!
Each time my daughter has found a 'critter' it has been relegated to the garage!
I'm thinking he would make a great teeny tiny lunch.
I think I'm odd one out here. I'd be totally ok with having a crab in my house. Or a frog. And did taping up the holes by chance prevent oxygen from getting to the crab, thus suffocating it, by chance? Just a theory....
This is why we have NO pets. None!
I don't know about the crab...an escaping crab sounds a little too intelligent for me. I don't think I could sleep either.
Frogs I can deal with. Lizards I can deal with. BUT, NO snakes or spiders. HELL NO.
We have snakes in my yard that my four year old names and tries to catch. What am I supposed to do when she succeeds?! Those things are not coming in my house!
Wow... kind of a fragile crab...
Did they get him from the old crab bin??
Our crab just passed away last month. We had him for a year. I'm more scared of snakes then crabs.
Happy SITS day! I had a pet frog in college...Phoebe. She was cute, ate crickets, did her thing. Don't think I could have dealt with a crab. Yikes!
We had two little crabs in our fish tank growing up. They are fun to watch!
Okay that would creep me out. What if you hadn't gone into check on him and that thing got out into the bedroom. I'm not feeling to good about this..... :-)
Congrats on being the SITS feature of the day!!!
LOL, well, at least the whole situation was taken care of by nature! Who can fight nature?!
At least it wasn't snakes!
I don't understand why boys like all the creepy crawly, slippery, slimey reptiles and crustaceons of the world. All of them give me the heebie jeebies. No wonder you couldn't sleep.
Scary! It might be time to move...
My friend had a crab. She found it 2 months after she bought it, dead. In her bathroom. It got out of the fish tank, crawled across the kitchen, thru the hall and into the bathroom before dying. Yuck. Gross. Boys are gross.
Oh he died, all of mine did too. I had two that were as big as a fist and they were scary cause they would get out and you would hear them flying across the floor. My husband refused to let me have more:(
But Frogs get out worst than the crabs.
What a nice little surprise!!! Just set him free in the wild and see what happens...
Oh yuck yuck yuck! But honestly in my opinion a frog is WAY worse!
I just got the chills... is a frog really any better? At least a crab moves slow enough to catch!
hmm - I think I would prefer a crab to a frog. Was it a hermit crab?
what's wrong with a little crab?
really, i don't know but I thought they would be a good addition to the aquarium...
Ewww! Well, I guess that is a great life lesson - NEVER let your husband in a pet store unattended. That is my policy with my husband. He has at various times in our marriage come home with a pair of ducks, several cats, at least 5 stray dogs, a crab (yuck!), an iguana, two snakes and a St. Bernard puppy. I don't trust him within 20 miles of a pet shop under any circumstances.
Ooh, occasionally my boys float the idea of getting a snake, but there is no way I could handle that. I have told my oldest he can get a snake when he is grown and has his own house, but I really hope he doesn't because I don't know that I could ever spend a night in a house that has a snake!
We've had our share of animals...EVERYTHING! snakes, rats, but never a crab. Interesting pet I'm sure
ACK! good thing you saw that it had gotten out!!!! Yuck~ LOL!!!
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