If you are an avid blogger you'd have to be dead or in a coma not have heard of "Twilight". In the recent weeks it was blog fodder. I mean almost every blog I happened upon was reading it. Me being who I am I had to find out what the hype was all about. I mean seriously vampires? a book written for teens? Are these woman SERIOUS?
One such blog can be found HERE. She lovingly coined the phrase crackliture. She explains the draw of the series so well in her post that I refuse to even try. I could not express it better. You must check out her review. Her post had me so curious that I had to hop on over to my local friendly Walmart. (okay the friendly part is an over statement) Once I made it to the book section there I find in all it's glory, proudly displayed for all to see. The "Twilight" series. (minus "Eclipse")
I grabbed up my very own copy of "Twilight" and pratcially skipped my way out of there. LOL no not really. This was Monday. I didn't get a chance to touch it again until Tuesday. It was naptime....the house was still and all was quiet (except the nap music). I opened and I started reading.....then it was 2pm. I had to put it down and get back to work. I didn't want to. I got sucked in. I.MUST.KEEP.READING. 5 pm didn't get here fast enough. While neglecting my lovely family I managed to keep reading until I forced it closed at 11pm. Hey I get up early around here. I got to finish it at naptime on Wednesday.
Now I needed "New Moon"! I couldn't even think about heading back to Walmart until Thursday *GASP*. I quickly snuck in there with my daycare cuties (shoot I only had two with me that day - hush). I couldn't wait til naptime. Reading bliss....I couldn't put it down cause I was so flipping mad. As you guessed it....naptime ended. Darn it! I got back to it at 5pm and I finished that sucker that night. YES!
Problem: Remember how I said Walmart was out of "Eclipse". Yeah big problem - I didn't want to go somewhere else but I would if I had to (you gotta do what you gotta do you know). I happened to mention said books at the bus stop. One of the mom's had read it too. She had "ECLIPSE" She was more then happy to bring it to the bus stop Friday morning for me. YES! SCORE. Must finish "New Moon" TONIGHT!
Friday morning Ms. Awesome Bus stop mom brought the book. I was in heaven. Whens naptime? Again finished that night about midnight.
Saturday rolls around and I dutifully take my two youngest to Gymnastics. Later when we returned home Chef and I were sitting here. I said I need the last book, "Breaking Dawn". Cause my classes start Monday and I won't have time to read it. I need it today so I can finish it. He says "Do you want me to go get it now?" Me "Yes!" Him "Okay, I'll go get it." and off he went. I love that man. (most days hehe) He quickly returned. I read.....and read....and ignored my family and read.....I'm hungry. Let's eat. Then read and read. Finally about 8pm I couldn't see anymore. I reluctantly put the book down. I only had 300 pages left! I could finish it. I left it alone for about an hour. Chatting with my friends on IM for a bit. Then? Then I read again. Until midnight. Then? Then it was done. Over. Finished. No more left to read. I was sad. Happy that it turned out so well. Sad that I wouldn't learn anymore.
I am satisfied. Thank you my bloggy friends. For showing me the way.
So long story short. Four books, five days, hundreds upon hundreds of pages. WOW
*I did note that as the book progressed it seemed the author started moving away from the teens into the adults. While along the same lines I wouldn't recommend the 4th book "Breaking Dawn" to your teen until they are older or you read it first.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
1 day ago
Ah. Such a great post. I am so glad you found the magic in it. 4 in 5... that may be a record.
I recommend re-reading New Moon, as if you were like me, you rushed through the middle to get to the end to make sure "he" was still there!
Ohhh, I need to borrow these. My little sister swears to me that they are beyond great.
Great now I have to go get them. Have you seen my schedule??? If they are that good I'm sure I'll find time for them :)
Welcome to the family...
Ahh you were sucked in! When you're done, check out "The Host"
Welcome to the Twilight universe! :) I was also hesitant to read the books at first, but I'm so glad I did! Great post, I enjoyed reading it!
Ah...you poor woman...I was sucked into the realm of Vamps also. Awsome series, eh? My hubby thought I had darn near lost my mind!
I'm thinking the same thing! WTF with this Twilight and Breaking Dawn. But I am curious - I think I'll take your advice and go open the book in Borders. Congrats Sitsta!
I have yet to go buyo these but have been wanting to. Now I want to skip work today and head to the book store!
Amen. I heart Edward, forever.
I agree with you on Breaking Dawn. I think Stephenie wanted Bella to be more mature in this last book, so she wrote it that way, too. Some people didn't like it, but I loved all of them. Can't wait to see how the movie compares.
Funny, I'm in the Stephenie Meyer phase too. And, I left Twilight sitting around and my husband picked it up and read it non-stop!
Darn it - this blogging thing is my newest obsession, but it sounds like I need to take a break and get back to ole fashioned books.
Congrats on Featured Blogger!!
So funny... I just posted about my Twilight addiction yesterday... I'm halfway through Breaking Dawn... I won't be getting much sleep for a few days...
I went out and got them a few weeks ago and read all four in 5 days also, this was while I was working 80 hours a week BUT, I had shipped my three kids to my parents for a week so I had the time (time that I was suppose to use cleaning my home, opps).
I actually like finding out about book series late because then, like you did, I don't have to wait for them to be published! I hate reading a good book and then have to WAIT for the next one. I'm SOOO impatient!
I just ordered the first Twilight book from Amazon this morning. Gotta see for myself what all the fuss is about!
(Found ya thru the SITS gals!)
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