Saturday, January 24, 2009

Have you see it?

My mind...have you seen it? If so I'd like it back. I mean I have taxes and school work to do. A brain would be nice (one that works would be a bonus). I mean seriously. Wanna know what I've gotten myself in to?

Okay so what happened was....

I've been needing beautiful bedding for my room. Nothing..I mean NOTHING fits what I see in my head. I am also impaitent. SOOOOOOO.....

I went to JoAnn's today and got a lot of savings (my code for spent a lot but hey it was on sale so it's all good). I bought beautiful fabric and well I HOPE I'm able to turn it into a beautiful bedroom. Wish me luck. I might need to be locked up after this...

Ahh so today I am doing my stool (it's a camel saddle from Iraq that my cat has destroyed the fabric of) and my curtain ala'Nester (read pins and a glue gun...LOL).

Next on the agenda is 2 Euro Shams, 2 Shams and a Comforter. I still have to buy myself a sheet set and a bed skirt (I'm not THAT crazy).


  1. I cannot wait to see the finished product! You are just amazing Holly! :)

  2. girl I think your mind and mine are out getting a you think they will return soon??
